Saturday, October 24, 2009

Another favorite site....

Tokbox is an amazing video producing webite. Not only is it super user friendly but also it uses Adobe flash. I would like to introduce Tokbox to my third grade reading group. After they have read a book they could then do a book report on Tokbox. It would also be great to get other third grade readers from around the world to share their book reports with my students....... the possibilities are endless !

One of my favorite sites...

Delicious is a social bookmarking website. What a great idea ! With this site we have the ability to share our bookmarks with others as we tag them and save them to this central location. This means that friends and family can share their bookmarks and also reach them from any location !

Saturday, October 10, 2009

My favorite Web 2.0 Tools Part One

Wow ! I am impressed with the amount of information that is available. Web 2.o is a one stop internet service especially for those of us who are beginners. It provides a place to set up a basic email then expand to blogs and creating videos among many other projects.

As an educator this system is providing me unlimited abilities to create lesson plans and share up to date technology with my students. As I learn how to use these tools, I can teach my students while in the classroom. These skills will help them as they move on to middle school. Especially working in a Title One classroom, my students who don't have access to computers will have a new world to learn about. Time for lunch- more later.........